
​To see if there is scheduling in all applications, simply access the Scheduling top menu in the Administration environment :

1. Past

In the Gaio Administration environment, it is possible to see the schedule of all applications, but it is not possible to change them. This is an activity that must be carried out by the analyst who has editing access to the application and carried out the scheduling.

  1. Past : this tab displays executions already carried out.

  2. Applications : you can choose the application you need to view the executions.

  3. Process: you can see the processes that have schedules. The table shows the process that was executed, when it was started, when it was finished and the duration of the execution.

2. Future

Regarding the future, other information is presented.

  1. Application name.

  2. Process name.

  3. CRON : technical form of scheduling, very common in the Linux environment.

  4. Descriptive text of the execution frequency.

  5. Date and time of the next run.

Last updated