
To find trends of growth, decline and abrupt changes in your indicators can be built with the Insights task.

This task only depends on a table that contains three types of columns:

  1. Dimensions: text columns or can be numeric, but will not be aggregated. Examples: city, state, segment, seller, product code.

  2. Measures: numeric columns that will be added for the periods that the user wishes to view. Examples: value sold, number of customers, profit, number of failures.

  3. Dates: Date columns that will be used for analysis over time. Examples: order date, billing date, delivery date and cancellation date.

To use insights, click on the table and in the Tasks menu, select Insights.

  1. Dimensions : Choose the columns to be dimensions from the list. Gaio will show all columns from the source table used.

  2. In addition to numeric columns, it is possible to create a calculated field such as Profit / Sales to be aggregated during analysis.

  3. Metrics : Fields and formulas defined to be used in Insights calculations.

  4. Dates : Date fields for longitudinal analysis.

  5. Default period : In the Advanced block , you can define which period will be displayed when the user opens Insights.

  6. Variation (%) : Here the analyst can define the percentage that is considered abnormal and which should therefore generate an alert for the user on the Insights screen. Growth or declines beyond this value will be flagged.

  7. Number of decimals in the formatting of numeric values.

  8. Number of decimals in the formatting of percentage values.

  9. Invert colors : by default, growths are marked with green. Falls with red color. However, if the variable under analysis is cost, for example, it is important to invert the colors as growth in the short term is bad and therefore red.

After configuring Insights in Studio, it is necessary to resize it in the Dashboard, so that it occupies the entire screen, as there are several objects that, for a better fit, need to occupy the entire screen.

In the Insights access interface, the user visualizes the behavior over time of their data, the visualization can vary in terms of the period, date, dimensions, metrics and filter to be applied.

Abnormality in Insights

Abnormality in Insights by default is growing more than 20% or falling more than 20%. Furthermore, it is also abnormal if there are 3 or more consecutive rises or falls in the series. This was to generate an alert on the green or red screen.

  1. Insights : This tab displays the dimension values that behaved abnormally.

  2. Dimension : all dimension values will appear here, abnormal and normal.

  3. Filters : it is possible to apply a filter for a product, for example, and see the entire analysis by dimensions and metrics looking for abnormal patterns only for that product.

  4. Choose another dimension to explore.

  5. Choose another metric to explore.

  6. Other periods (daily, weekly and monthly) are already processed. Can be exchanged instantly.

  7. Choose another date variable for Gaio to look for patterns. This will reprocess the data.

  8. Choose a specific date for Gaio to look for patterns.

  9. Change the percentage of variation to be considered an Insight.

In the central area, the numbers that justify Gaio's findings will be presented, including a comparison between the second dimension configured in Insights, for the Insight generated. This may explain the reason for growth or decline. For example: it was identified that in one country sales fell. This tab can display the products sold in that country, indicating growth and decline.


When choosing a specific date, Gaio looks for patterns from the beginning of the week/month until that date to compare with past periods.

Example : in a monthly view, if the 13th is chosen, jay will compare the "sales" from the 1st of the month to the 13th, versus this same period last month and last year.

Last updated